Where’s the family, and where are the friends?

I am wondering if anyone else is reading this blog. Not that I really really care, we’re doing this mainly for Sofia, but it would be nice to know that someone is reading it. I can’t have anonymous comments turned on because of the amount of spam that would attract, but I would be more then happy to set up an account for anyone interested. And, for what it is worth, an account would give you the opportunity to even write your own blog posts, about Sofia of course.

Email me at floringale[at]gmail.com and we’ll take it from there.


Mommy follows the schedule

Mommy is very good at keeping up with Sofia’s feeding schedule. This is, in part, due to the new shiny watch Daddy gave Mommy for her birthday. Mommy never takes the watch off – ever. She must REALLY like it! 🙂

Daddy is hoping he will get a new watch soon too… 😉 A nice watch to mark his daughter’s birth year. A very nice watch that will hopefluly last for many many years.

Sofia’s cute little hand

One of the most amazing things about having a new baby is how every day, sometimes every hour, there is something new fun and amazing to discover. For example, her tiny little cute hand… I’ve been meaning to take a picture of it for a while. I will take another, hopefuly much better picture soon, but for now check out the one I took with my phone.

It is time I start this blog

Sofia Gale was born on October 22nd at 7:52pm. She was 6lb 7oz and 19.5inc tall.

Here we are a month and a day later and I still did not manage to get this blog up. With a little bit of luck, this is about to change. I am not going to wait any longer to get all the pictures and videos up in chronological order. I will just get on blogging right now and post what I can, when I can. I hope that at some point I will manage to post some older videos and pictures and find a way to back date them.

For now, check out this pictures, and come back soon for more blog posts.

PS: I posted this from my iPhone.
