Sofia is 8 weeks old

Today Sofia turned 8 weeks old.

To celebrate, mommy dressed her in a new cool outfit that daddy thinks looks Japanese, and spent the whole day downstairs hanging out by the Christmas tree.

Mommy baked scones while Sofia was napping, and once she woke up she spent some time smilling at mommy (a new found skill).

Then daddy came home and Sofia got to hang out with him for a while.

We ended the day by gulping down a yummy bottle of milk and mommy putting the baby to sleep on her own (we’re trying to teach Sofia to fall asleep on her own now that she’s 8 weeks old)!

Hanging out with Grandma Ungur

Sofia likes to spend time with grandma Ungur. They know each other really well cause grandma used to come over every day. Now she comes over every other day 🙂 Sofia even knows her voice, cause she looks for grandma when she hears her voice.

Mommy wanted to take a picture of them two, but they were both looking at uncle Ben.

Here it is.
